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Event on March 4 – State policies to fight child labor

In the past year, there has been an upsurge of child labor not seen in nearly a century, with teenagers as young as 13 and 14 working in meatpacking plants, car part factories, as roofers on construction sites, and more.

Hosted by the NYU Wagner Labor Initiative and the Economic Policy Institute/EARN Network, and moderated by former New York Times labor reporter Steven Greenhouse, this webinar will provide policymakers and advocates with concrete ideas for policies to deter child labor violations and keep children safe. The conversation will highlight and expand upon policies described in a recent report, “Policies for states and localities to fight oppressive child labor,” issued by the NYU Wagner Labor Initiative and the Economic Policy Institute, available at

Towards Justice Policy Director, Nina DiSalvo will be one of the panelists.

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