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Press Release: Towards Justice Announces Wage Justice Champions and First-Of-Its-Kind Collaboration Ahead of Annual Event

Denver, CO — Towards Justice is awarding two leaders with its 2023 Wage Justice Champion recognition: Kathy White, Executive Director of the Colorado Fiscal Institute and Laura Wolf, Partner at Spark Justice Law and is announcing a new partnership with Centro Humanitario ahead of its annual “Just Wages” event on October 19.

For decades, Kathy White, who helped to found the Colorado Fiscal Institute, where she is currently Executive Director, has been at the forefront of the fight for economic justice in Colorado. CFI’s expertise has helped shape critical debates in Colorado on various issues like taxation, minimum wages, paid sick leave, education funding, and affordable housing. They are trusted and expert voices at the Colorado State Capitol fighting in support of the movement to level the playing field for people and communities in this state.

Laura Wolf, the managing partner and founder of Spark Justice Law, a plaintiff-side employment and civil rights firm, is a tireless fighter for justice and equity. For the past several years, Laura has helped clients across Colorado win path-breaking victories challenging employment discrimination, wage theft, sexual harassment, child abuse, and police brutality. She’s also been essential to advocacy in support of critical legislative reforms, including Colorado’s Equal Pay for Equal Work Act.

Towards Justice is also announcing a new partnership with Centro Humanitario, a Colorado-based workers’ center at the forefront of the fight to organize and support immigrant workers in the state. Towards Justice and Centro Humanitario are collaborating to provide essential “know your rights” and intake services to workers experiencing wage theft, misclassification, discrimination and other workplace abuse.

Beginning in 2024, Centro Humanitario will refer workers to attorneys through Towards Justice’s collaborating attorney network. To support Centro Humanitario’s efforts to organize and educate its members and other immigrant workers about their rights, collaborating attorneys will agree to provide a portion of their fee recoveries from these cases to Centro Humanitario.

Wolf, White, and Centro Humanitario will be recognized at “Just Wages,” an evening organized by Towards Justice each year to celebrate the work of our colleagues, clients, and the communities we serve who fight for justice every day. We also use the event to lift up champions of workplace rights and worker justice. Anyone interested in attending this year’s event can click here to reserve their spot (Tickets are free, but mandatory. Reserve your spot today!). If you’re interested in being a sponsor, send us an email at [email protected].

“It’ll take a movement to fight for a fairer and more just economy. Towards Justice is thrilled to celebrate the critical work of amazing leaders and supporters of that movement like Kathy, Laura, and Centro Humanitario,” said David Seligman, Executive Director of Towards Justice.

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