Complaint alleges that Frontier Airlines failed to accommodate pregnant and breastfeeding flight attendants. Plaintiffs seek damages and policy changes.
Four flight attendants are suing Frontier Airlines for discriminating against pregnant and nursing flight attendants. They allege that Frontier subjected them to risk of disciplinary action for necessary pregnancy-related absences and eventually forced them onto unpaid leave when they were no longer able to fly, with no possibility of receiving accommodations that would have enabled them to continue working. They further allege that although Frontier offered no paid parental leave and only a short unpaid leave following childbirth, Frontier nonetheless refused to provide or even consider accommodations relating to breastfeeding, leaving Plaintiffs with a choice between continuing to breastfeed or continuing to earn a paycheck. Plaintiffs seek damages and ask that Frontier change its discriminatory policies.
This case is part of a broader fight to ensure that pregnant and breastfeeding parents have equal access to the workforce. Towards Justice is proud to represent these workers, along with co-counsel from the Women’s Rights Project of the ACLU, the ACLU of Colorado, and Holwell Shuster & Goldberg, LLP.