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Fighting Injustice in Guest-Worker Programs: Douglas et. al v. Yellowstone Club Operations, LLC; and Hospitality Staffing Solutions LLC:

Discrimination Exploitation of Immigrants and Guestworkers Wage Theft / Misclassification


Several of Towards Justice’s cases focus on systemic injustices in nonimmigrant guestworker programs where visas indenture workers to specific employers that far too frequently exploit their employees and defraud them with false promises of the American Dream. In September 2018, Towards Justice filed a case on behalf of several black Jamaican citizens who spent the winter of 2017-2018 working in Montana as temporary non-immigrant H-2B visa workers for an ultra-exclusive golf and ski resort. According to their allegations, they were promised that the resort would employ them and that they would receive ample pay, including tips and service charges that could amount to $400-$600 or more in a night at the nicest restaurants. They alleged that instead they found themselves jointly employed by a temp-staffing firm, which, along with the resort, robbed them of their promised tips and service charges. Towards Justice represented the plaintiffs with co-counsel Lowrey Parady, LLP.


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